MarSurf | Combined roughness and contour measuring station

MarSurf LD 280

Art. no. 6269043

Highest precision with simultaneous roughness and contour measurement with 280 mm tracing length.

The new MarSurf family CD, GD, VD and LD offers precision products with maximum speed and flexibility.
A better floor-to-floor time of up to 65% is convincing proof of the speed. The flexibility is demonstrated by the large measuring range, the workpiece flexibility (even up to 80 kg) and the simple clamping system. The latter again supports repeatability and therefore accuracy.
The special feature of the MarSurf LD is that the probe arm unit simultaneously records roughness and contour data, which can be evaluated in one go to save time.

MarSurf LD 280
MarSurf LD 280

Efficiency and precision combined

  • 「高い軸速度と自動化された測定シーケンスによる短い測定時間
  • 「革新的なクランプシステムにより、シンプルで素早い取り付けと交換が可能。
  • 「広いサポートプレートと広い測定範囲:大型ワークの測定に最適
Measure roughness and contour at the same time and with maximum accuracy with the new LD 140/280:
  • Newly developed, highly efficient touch system
  • Single acquisition of roughness and contour measurement data and simultaneous evaluation
  • Easy probe arm change via magnetic interface with chip recognition and automatic tactile force selection
  • Enormous time and cost savings compared to conventional measuring devices.
  • X-axis optionally with 140 or 280 mm; Z-axis optionally with 350 or 600 mm.
  • TY table axis optionally motorized or manually adjustable.
Simply measure faster:
  • The simple clamping system positions workpieces safely, quickly and correctly.
  • The measurement itself is up to 65 % faster thanks to the fast axes and the new touch probes (measured using the example of a journal).
  • The entire process can be automated with the fast CNC axes and the MarWin measurement and evaluation software. This enables further savings in the process on site.
MarSurf LD 280 | Art. no. 6269043
ラバース長の始点 (X) 0.1 mm
トラバース長 (Lt) 0.01 - 280 mm
測定力 [N] .7 mN to 30 mN, adjustable via soft
測定速度 0.02 mm/s 終点 10 mm/s
位置決め速度 (mm/s)、X軸 0.02 - 200 mm/s
Positioning speed Z-axis 0.02 - 50 mm/s
プローブ Combined roughness and contour probe system
プローブアームの長さ max. 250 mm
動作温度 15 °C 終点 45 °C
保管温度 -15 °C 終点 50 °C
Workpiece weight max. 90 kg
その他 manual TY


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