MarForm | 高精度全自動基準形状測定装置

MarForm MarForm MFU 200

Art. no. 5440580

Highly accurate reference form measuring device for sustainable quality assurance.

MarForm MFU 200 Aspheric 3D は、生産現場の近くで光学部品を2Dおよび3Dで迅速にテストするために使用されます。MarForm 測定器は、その精度と安定性が何十年もの間認められています。

MarForm MarForm MFU 200
MarForm MarForm MFU 200
MarForm MFU 200 Aspheric 3Dは、非常に低い測定不確かさにより、工程の最適化要件を満たすのに最適な精密測定器です。
With the motorized probe system T7W, roughness and lead measurements are for example also possible. The rotary axis in combination with a large number of available probe arm variants enables fully automatic measurement sequences without influence of the operator.
The dynamic real-time compensation of errors in the room protects the measuring device and the measurements as much as possible from external influences such as temperature and vibrations. It detects and corrects even the smallest deviations in the measurement sequence via reference rulers in the two measuring axes X and Z. This means that the machine offers extreme reproducibility even under changing measurement conditions.
MarForm MarForm MFU 200 | Art. no. 5440580
Pos.-/Meas. path X-axis 200 mm
Pos.-/Meas. path Z-axis 320 mm
Positioning speed C-axis 0.1 - 200 1/min
位置決め速度 (mm/s)、X軸 0.1 - 100 mm/s
Positioning speed Z-axis 0.1 - 100 mm/s
Workpiece diameter max. 280 mm
軸方向振れ (µm+µm/mm 測定半径)* 0.02 + 0.0002 µm/mm*measuring radius (acc. to DIN EN ISO 1101)
Straightness deviation X-axis 0.075 μm/measuring path (according to DIN EN ISO 1101)
Straightness deviation Z-axis 0.1 μm/measuring path (according to DIN EN ISO 1101)
作業温度 20 °C
傾斜・位置決めテーブル モーター駆動
テーブル径 (mm) 180 mm
Table load max. 20 kg
プローブシステムタイプ Tactile 1D
Special equipment CNC-Tisch und dynamische Echtzeitkompensation
湿度(テキスト) max. 70 % relative humidity; non-condensing
Weight basic unit 850 kg
付属品 T7W probe system (incl. probe arm ⌀ 3 x 60 mm)


  • Mechanical engineering:
    bearings, ball screws, shafts, bushings, rotary unions
  • Automotive industry:
    steering, brake system, transmission, engine
  • Medical:
    hip and knee endoprostheses, medical screws, dental implants
  • Production-related measurement:
    SPC and end-of-line testing
Label Art. no.
Rel_MarForm MarWin
MarWin MarForm
DIN ISO 10110-5に準拠した特性値の出力(PV、RMS、リード誤差など)
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