MarSurf | Plošná 3D měření

MarSurf WI 100

Číslo zboží 6355002

High-performance laboratory and QA system

The MarSurf WI 100 is a powerful surface profiler for the three-dimensional measurement and analysis of surfaces – non-contact, independent of material, and fast

MarSurf WI 100
MarSurf WI 100
Vysoce výkonný laboratorní systém a systém kontroly kvality

Hi-End zařízení MarSurf WI 100 disponuje rozšířeným pracovním rozsahem ve směru xyz pro zejména velké objemy vzorků: Jednoduše použijte boční přestavení, kterým lze posouvat další ruční osu Z, a změřte XXL komponenty.
Díky robustní konstrukci je MarSurf WI 100 ideálně vhodný nejen k použití ve zkušební a kontrolní laboratoři, ale také pro účely zajištění kvality ve výrobním prostředí.
Typical measuring tasks
  • Roughness measurements as per
    ISO 4287 & ISO 13565 / ISO 25178
  • Topography measurements (including volume, wear, tribology)
  • contour and form (2D, 3D)
  • pore, particle analysis
  • defect detection
  • ...
Maximum data quality

One of our most important criteria, which equates to excellent precision, accuracy, reproducibility, and documentation to ensure traceability and auditability. Our greatest service for the customer is to provide a quantitative measuring value that can be implemented reliably in the engineering, product, process design, and quality control areas.

Různorodé oblasti použití našeho produktu

Mechanical engineering
Qualification and quantification of the roughness, geometry, and wear volume

Electronic system and semiconductors
Component inspection right down to sub-nanometer range for fault-free products

Medical technology
Quality assurance of medical surfaces in production and the laboratory

Materials science
Optimization of functional features on new surfaces and products
Microsystems technology
Measurement of complex surface geometries of the smallest components with nanometer precision
Správné a reprodukovatelné měření
Your measuring data is recorded reliably, can be replicated, and guarantees the highest quality of raw data and profile accuracy.
Volně programovatelné měřicí sekvence
Fully automated, database-based pallet measurements with automated measuring and evaluation sequence (user-dependent one click solution).
Intuitivní obsluha
Simple, user-guided interface with automatic modes for all significant measuring parameters, including use of measurement protocols for known surfaces.