Mahr Service | Contact Persons

We are here for you

Direct contact with you is important to us. We want you to find the right contact person in our company as quickly as possible. All service partners are therefore listed for you on this page.

We look forward to your inquiry!

If no direct contact is listed for your country, please refer to our contacts worldwide at the bottom of this page.

Technical support systems

Hotline +49 551 7073-306
Mon - Thurs: 08:00 - 17:00, Fri: 08:00 - 16:00

To the service request form


Application engineering dispatch

Phone: +49 551 7073-304

Service technician dispatch

Responsible for: MarShaft, Precimar
Phone: +49 551 7073-342

Responsible for: MarVision, MarGear, MarForm MFU and MarForm MFK
Phone: +49 551 7073-363

Responsible for: MarForm MMQ, MarSurf for northern Germany
Phone: +49 551 7073-389

Responsible for: MarForm MMQ, MarSurf for south-western Germany
Phone: +49 551 7073-356

Responsible for: MarForm MMQ, MarSurf for south-eastern Germany
Phone: +49 551 7073-361

Göttingen laboratory

Phone: +49 551 7073-325

Competent in: Calibration of systems for measuring contour, shape and roughness as well as the calibration of horizontal and vertical length measuring instruments.

Theory seminars & AUKOM training

Phone: 0551 7073-606

Practical and equipment training

Phone +49 (0)551 7073 304


Phone: 0551 7073-362

Announce return (RMA)


System spare parts

Phone: 0551 7073-233

Repairs of hand-held measuring instruments

Phone: 0711 9312-666  Announce return (RMA)


Spare parts for hand-held measuring instruments

For spare parts for our hand-held measuring equipment, please contact our sales department:

Phone: 0711 9312-600

Service products & general information

Phone: 0551 7073-366

Mahr Service | Service Contacts

Our Service Network:
Internationally available for your satisfaction

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH
Contact for Irão
Carl-Mahr-Str. 1
37073 Göttingen | Alemanha

+49 551 7073-0

Mahr Locations

Mahr do Brasil Ltda
Contact for Bolívia
Rua João Pescarini, 590, Jardim Trevisan I
13.280-144 Vinhedo - Sao Paulo | Brasil

+55 19 38768600
+55 11 982039834

Mahr Locations

Mahr do Brasil Ltda
Rua João Pescarini, 590, Jardim Trevisan I
13.280-144 Vinhedo - Sao Paulo | Brasil

+55 19 38768600

Mahr Locations

Mahr do Brasil Ltda
Contact for Equador
Rua João Pescarini, 590, Jardim Trevisan I
13.280-144 Vinhedo - Sao Paulo | Brasil

+55 19 38768600
+55 11 982039834

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc.
Contact for Canadá
1139 Eddy Street
RI 02905 Providence | Estados Unidos da América

+1 401 784-3100
+1 401 784-3246

Mahr Locations

Mahr Corporation de México, S.A. de C.V.
Diego de Montemayor 211, Colonia Centro
64000 Monterrey, N.L. | México

+52 81 8333 2010

Mahr Locations

Mahr do Brasil Ltda
Contact for Uruguai
Rua João Pescarini, 590, Jardim Trevisan I
13.280-144 Vinhedo - Sao Paulo | Brasil

+55 19 38768600
+55 11 982039834

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc.
1139 Eddy Street
RI 02905 Providence | Estados Unidos da América

+1 401 784-3100
+1 401 784-3246

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc.- Cincinnati Resource Center
4450 Olympic Blvd.
KY 41018 Erlanger | Estados Unidos da América

+1 859 525-6116
+1 859 525-0481

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc.- L. A. Resource Center
11135 Knott Ave., Suite H
CA 90630 Cypress | Estados Unidos da América

+1 714 379-7051
+1 714 379-0468

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc. - Detroit Resource Center
48325 Alpha Drive, Suite 100
MI 48393 Wixom | Estados Unidos da América

+ 248 560-6259
+ 248-924-2012

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc. - South Carolina Resource Center
7001-A Pelham Road
SC 29615 Greenville | Estados Unidos da América

+ 800-343-2050
+ 864-203-3275

Mahr Locations

Mahr China, Suzhou Plant
#399 Su Hong Road Suzhou Industrial Park
215122 Suzhou | China

+86 0512-62585862
+86 0512-62585816

Mahr Locations

Mahr China, Shanghai Branch
Room 304, No. 14, Lane 1401, JiangChang Road, Jing'an District
200072 Shanghai | China

+86 21 52385353
+86 21 52386012

Mahr Locations

Mahr Limited 
2101 Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Hong Kong | China

+852 2 3579683
+852 2 7639613

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Pvt. Ltd. - Chennai Office
B-6, Reddipalayam Road, 4th Street, Mogappair West Estate
600 037 Chennai | Índia

+91 44 4617 5555
+91 44 4617 5505

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Pvt. Ltd. Pune Office
RH No.5, Clover Mews,Park Street, Viman Nagar
411 014 Pune | Índia

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Pvt Ltd - Delhi Office
131 & 132, JMD Megapolis ,1st Floor, Sector 48, Sohna Road, Gurgaon
122 002 Haryana | Índia

+91 124 4968767

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Pvt Ltd - Ahmedabad (Gujarat & MP)
Ahmedabad | Índia

Mahr Locations

Mahr Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Contact for Indonésia
No. 130, Block B1, Leisure Commerce Square, No. 9, Jalan PJS 8/9
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor | Malásia

+60 3 7877 2060
+60 3 7877 2040

Mahr Locations

Mahr Japan Co., Ltd.
712-4-1, Mamedo-cho Kohoku-ku
222-0032 Yokohama | Japão

+81 45 5403591
+81 45 5406251

Mahr Locations

Mahr Korea Ltd.
#701-703, Ace Hitech City Byeomgye 29 Simin-daero 109 Byeon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang City
14042 Gyeonggi-do | Coreia do Sul

+82 2 579 4981
+82 2 579498-6-7

Mahr Locations

Mahr Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
No. 130, Block B1, Leisure Commerce Square, No. 9, Jalan PJS 8/9,
46150 Petaling Jaya | Malásia

+60 3 7877 2060
+60 3 7877 2040

Mahr Locations

Mahr SEA Co. Ltd.
Contact for Filipinas
719 KPN Tower, 20th Floor Rama 9 Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang
10310 Bangkok | Tailândia

+66 2 7171050
+66 2 7171055

Mahr Locations

Mahr SEA Co. Ltd.
Contact for Singapura
719 KPN Tower, 20th Floor Rama 9 Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang
10310 Bangkok | Tailândia

+66 2 7171050
+66 2 7171055

Mahr Locations

 Mahr S.E.A. Co. Ltd.
719 KPN Tower, 20th Floor Rama 9 Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang
10310 Bangkok | Tailândia

+66 2 7171050
+66 2 7171055

Mahr Locations

Mahr Austria GmbH
Hirschstettner Strasse 19-21
1220 Wien | Áustria

+43 1 2043673-0
+43 1 204367315

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH, Hauptsitz
Carl-Mahr-Str. 1
37073 Göttingen | Alemanha

+49 551 7073-0
+49 551 7073-888

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH
Reutlinger Str. 48
73728 Esslingen | Alemanha

+49 711 9312-600
+49 711 9312-725

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH
Max-Grossmann-Str. 1
07745 Jena | Alemanha

+49 551 7073-0
+49 551 7073 808

Mahr Locations

Mahr MWF GmbH
Melberstraße 9
63762 Großostheim | Alemanha

+49 6026 9728-0
+49 6026 9728-20

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH
Max-Planck-Ring 48
46049 Oberhausen | Alemanha

+49 551 7073-0
+49 551 7073 808

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH Applikations-Zentrum
An der Hopfendarre 7
09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna | Alemanha

+49 3722 736310
+49 3722 736320

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH Niederlassung Südwest
Reutlinger Str. 48
73728 Esslingen | Alemanha

+49 711 9312-800
+49 711 9312-815

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH Niederlassung Südost
Hopfenstr. 30
85283 Wolnzach | Alemanha

+49 8442 96266-0
+49 8442 96266-11

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH Niederlassung Nord
Hatzfelder Straße 161
42281 Wuppertal | Alemanha

+49 202 758187-0
+49 202 758187-19


Boutillon- Codimec Dexis
44 bis, rue de Longvic
21304 Chenove Cedex | França

+33 3 80404350
+33 3 80514754

Mahr Locations

Mahr France
6 Rue Lavoisier - Z.I.
91430 Igny | França

+33 169 351 919
+33 169 351 900

Mahr Locations

Mahr GmbH
Contact for Grécia
Carl-Mahr-Str. 1
37073 Göttingen | Alemanha

+49 551 7073-0

Mahr Locations

Mahr U.K. Ltd.
25 Presley Way
MK8 0ES Milton Keynes | Reino Unido

+44 1908 563700
+44 1908 563704

Mahr Locations

Mahr U.K. Ltd.
Contact for Irlanda
25 Presley Way
MK8 0ES Milton Keynes | Reino Unido

+44 1908 563700
+44 1908 563704

Mahr Locations

Mahr Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Gimnazjalna 4
01-364 Warszawa | Polónia

+48 22 862 39 97
+48 22 862 39 97

Mahr Locations

Mahr AG Schweiz    
Zürcherstraße 68
8800 Thalwil | Suíça

+41 44 723 39 99
+41 44 723 39 98

Service Partners

TechVer AG (Precision Gages)
Korporationsweg 9b
8832 Wilen bei Wollerau | Suíça

+41 44 784 78 20
+41 44 784 76 00

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrológia, s.r.o.
Seberíniho 482/1
821 03 Bratislava | Eslováquia

+421 2 321 212 16

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrologia S.L.
Via Augusta 15-25
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés | Barcelona | Espanha

+34 93 534 22 83

Service Partners

Trimet Metrología (Precision Gages)
Avda. Pedro Munguruza n° 85, Pabellón 18
20870 Elgoibar | Espanha

+34 943 741 783

Mahr Locations

Mahr spol s r.o.
Kpt. Jarose 552
41712 Probostov | República Checa

+420 417 816 735
+420 417 560 237

Mahr Locations

Mahr Magyarország Kft.
Gyár u. 2 (Graphax irodaház)
2040 Budaörs | Hungria

+36 1 414 0177
+36 1 414 0178

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Private Ltd.
No. 6 & 13, 5th 'C' Cross, 3rd Main Road, St. Claret College Road, Sharadambanagar, Jalahalli Village
560013 Bangalore | Índia

Mahr Locations

Mahr SEA Co. Ltd.
Contact for Taiuão
719 KPN Tower, 20th Floor Rama 0 Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang
10310 Bangkok | Tailândia

+66 2 7171050
+66 2 7171055

Mahr Locations

Mahr SEA Co. Ltd.
Contact for Austrália
719 KPN Tower, 20th Floor Rama 9 Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang
10310 Bangkok | Tailândia

+66 2 7171050
+66 2 7171055

Mahr Locations

Mahr S.E.A. Co., Ltd. - Vietnam Rep. Office
No.1, Street No. 5, Van Phuc City Thu Duc District
Ho Chi Minh City | Vietname

+8428 6650 3288

Service Partners

INFAS S.R.L. (Precision Gages)
Aviador Locatelli 2098 - Villa Adela
5010 Córdoba | Argentina

+54 351 465 0128
+54 351 465 0128

Service Partners

EMS European Metrology Systems s.a.
Contact for Luxemburgo
Rue de l Eperonnerie 2
4041 Milmort | Bélgica

+32 4 2280407
+32 4 2280705

Service Partners

EMS European Metrology Systems s.a.
Rue de Eperonnerie 2
4041 Milmort | Bélgica

+32 4 2280407
+32 4 2280705

Service Partners

GAZELA d.o.o.
Contact for Croácia
Kajuhova 12
8270 Krsko | Eslovénia

+386 7 4880488
+386 7 4880489

Service Partners

GAZELA d.o.o.
Kajuhova 12
8270 Krsko | Eslovénia

+386 74880488
+386 74880489

Service Partners

Drejervej 2
7451 Sunds | Dinamarca

+45 9714 14 11
+45 9714 14 86

Service Partners

Calibra (Precision Gages)
Zae les lecheres
74460 Marnaz | França

+33 4 50963388

Service Partners

4, Hamelakha St. Binyamina
Binyamina | Israel

+972 4 62 95 05 0
+972 4 62 95 05 1

Service Partners

cmf Marelli s.r.l.
Via Casignolo, 10
20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) | Itália

+39 02 6182401
+39 02 6122944

Service Partners

EMS Benelux BV
Gewandeweg 5
6161 DJ Geleen | Países Baixos

+31 646 833923

Service Partners

Øberg Verktøy AS
Rødmyrsvingen 88
3740 Skien | Noruega

+47 35 505440
+47 35 505445

Service Partners

S.C. Ro-Mega Trade S.A.
250 Bd. Basarabia, ground floor, Sector 3
30352 Bucharest | Roménia

+40 21 2552508
+40 21 2552509

Service Partners

Trimet Metrología (Precision Gages)
Contact for Portugal
Avda. Pedro Munguruza n° 85, Pabellón 18
20870 Elgoibar | Espanha

+34 943 741 783

Service Partners

Mytolerans AB
Datavägen 3A
17543 Järfälla | Suécia

+46 8 58430140
+46 8 58430149

Service Partners

MEGA Danismanlik, Temsilcilik A.S.
Uzunçayir Caddesi No.31 A Blok K3, D18-19
81010 Hasanpasa,Kadiköy, Istanbul | Turquia

+90 216 3264535
+90 216 3263286

Service Partners

Join Star Trading Co., Ltd.
4th Fl., N° 3, Alley 6, Lane 45, Baoxing Rd. Xindian District
23145 New Taipei city | Taiuão

+8862 29115226
+886 2 29115634

Service Partners

Accurate Instrument Repair Inc. (Precision Gages)
27122 Burbank
92610 Foothill Ranch, CA | Estados Unidos da América

+1 949-452 2874

Service Partners

MSI Viking Headquarters (Precision Gages)
321 Tucapau Road
29334 Duncan, SC | Estados Unidos da América

+1 8644339771
+1 8644339775

Mahr Locations

Mahr AG Schweiz (Service Contact)
Zürcherstraße 68
8800 Thalwil | Suíça

+41 044 723 39 99

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrology India Pvt. Ltd. - Chennai Office (Service Contact)
B-6, Reddipalayam Road, 4th Street, Mogappair West Estate
600 037 Chennai | Índia

+91 95660 27191

Mahr Locations

Mahr Austria GmbH (Service Contact)
Hirschstettner Strasse 19-21
1220 Wien | Áustria

+431 2043673-0

Mahr Locations

Mahr spol s r.o. (Service Contact)
Kpt. Jarose 552
417 12 Probostov | República Checa

+420 417 816 725

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrológia, s.r.o. (Service Contact)
Seberíniho 482/1
821 03 Bratislava | Eslováquia

+421 232 121 217

Mahr Locations

Mahr Metrologia S.L. (Service Contact)
Via Augusta 15-25
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés | Barcelona | Espanha

+34 93 534 22 83

Mahr Polska Sp. z o.o. (Service Contact)
ul. Gimnazjalna 4
01-364 Warszawa | Polónia

+48 22 862 39 97

Mahr Locations

Mahr Korea Ltd. (Service Contact)
#701-703, Ace Hitech City Byeomgye 29 Simin-daero 109 Byeon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang City
14042 Gyeonggi-do | Coreia do Sul

+82 2 579 4981

Mahr Locations

Mahr Inc. (Service Contact)
1139 Eddy Street
RI 02905 Providence | Estados Unidos da América

+1 401 784-3100

Mahr Locations

Mahr do Brasil Ltda (Service Contact)
Rua João Pescarini, 590, Jardim Trevisan I
13.280-144 Vinhedo - Sao Paulo | Brasil

+55 11 2877 5570

Mahr Locations

Mahr Japan Co., Ltd. (Service Contact)
712-4-1, Mamedo-cho Kohoku-ku
222-0032 Yokohama | Japão

+81 45 5403591

Mahr Locations

Mahr Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Service Contact)
No. 130, Block B1 Leisure Commerce Square No. 9, Jalan PJS 8/9
46150 Petaling Jaya | Malásia

+60 3 78772060

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