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2 in 1: Simultaneous automated measurement of roughness and contour

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[Translate to 日本語:] Mit dem neuen Messplatz MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 bietet Mahr eine automatisierte Lösung, um Rauheit und Kontur zur gleichen Zeit und mit höchster Genauigkeit zu messen.

With the new MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 measuring station, Mahr offers an automated solution for measuring roughness and contour at the same time and with maximum accuracy. For this purpose, the device is equipped with the newly developed S9 tactile probe system.

Its probe arm unit only records the measurement data once, which the software can then evaluate twice for both contour and roughness features, if required. This saves customers twice: on the one hand, time, as they receive two measurement results with just one measurement run; on the other hand, money, as they only have to invest in one measuring station.

The MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 measures workpiece contours, straightness and surface deviations using the stylus method. It is available with two different X-axes - travel and measuring path 140 or 280 millimetres – with manual or motorized TY-axis as well as with a Z-axis in two heights. The combination of these features results in eight device variants with different degrees of automation. This means that the customer can always select the measuring station that best suits their individual requirements. The comprehensive portfolio of probe arms of different sizes and designs also qualifies the MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 for a wide range of measuring tasks at different measuring points. For geometry measurements, the probe arms guarantee maximum safety and precision thanks to their high rigidity.

Industries and application examples

Wherever users want to evaluate small tolerances in the micrometer range or larger tolerances in a very small area, the MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 is the device of choice. Typical measuring tasks can be found

  • in the automotive industry, for example crankshafts, camshafts, connecting rods, engine or transmission components
  • in mechanical engineering, for example bearing raceways or hydraulic components with very small and precise edge breaks
  • in the aviation industry, for example turbine components and
  • in the optical industry, in particular lenses and aspheres.

As the tolerances for the measurements performed are usually very small, it is advisable to set up the device in an air-conditioned measuring room.

Further advantageous features

Additional features make the MarSurf LD 140/LD 280 a future-proof, state-of-the-art investment:

  • The device has extremely fast and precise positioning axes.
  • Thanks to the large flexible grid plate, clamping positions are reproducible, which shortens set-up times.
  • The probe arm unit can be easily changed manually without tools as it is magnetically attached to the probe system.
  • A chip integrated in the probe arm ensures that the probe arm is recognized without confusion and that the probe force is set automatically.
  • Operation is via the tried-and-tested MarWin software or the improved MarControl manual control panel connected to the control unit.
  • The software has a wizard for calibrating the probe arms which, in combination with a motorized TY axis, increases user-friendliness.
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