Automated measuring system for serial testing
Our high-end device MarSurf WI 100 has a motorized XYZ table and enables highly accurate measurements without user influences.
- CNC axes (XYZ)
- Efficient serial measurements with automation software
- Large positioning table 100x100 mm²
High speed and flexibility for your measurements
Flexible universal measurement solution when it comes down to the sub-nanometer range – that’s what the new MarSurf WI 50 is all about.
- HD stitching with consistently high resolution
- Large workpiece volume
Entry level system for a broad range of applications
The MarSurf WI 50 M is the solution to step into the Mahr world of white light interferometry. The control unit is integrated in the stand, and the functional tilting stage as well as the manual x, y and z axes make adjustment and focusing extremely flexible and easy for users. Further advantages are the compact design and the large workpiece volume and weight, as well as an interesting price-performance ratio.
From manual to automated
The MarSurf WI series portfolio comprises three devices with specific benefits for customers:
- WI 50 M: manual all-round entry-level solution for demanding measurement tasks
- WI 50: high-precision measuring tool for research and quality assurance
- WI 100: serial measurements without user influence and broadest flexibility
Minimal noise of only 80 picometers
ICA technology enables an exact determination of height values while minimizing the noise at the same time. This ensures a very high data quality. Due to this very high signal-to-noise ratio, the Mahr technology reaches the quality level of a PSI with only 80 picometers (STR-Surface-Topography-Repeatability) while having a better stability and higher reliability.
Combining the best of PSI and VSI
The new ICA technology combines the good features of previous methods such as PSI and VSI in a single, large application area. The innovative algorithm determines the statistical correlogram of the surface and uses this for evaluating the measured data.
- Use of phase information and amplitude
- No averaging of the measurement data
- Maximum stability and high accuracy
Precise roughness down to the nanometer
The new MarSurf WI product line offers several advantages thanks to the new ICA technology
- ICA technology provides better measurement data
- Best signal-to-noise ratio
- From manual to fully automated
- Large positioning volume for your workpieces